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Good Deal On Nice Flowerhorns

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  • Good Deal On Nice Flowerhorns

    I wasn't sure where to post this, Dan's HAW thread, or here...

    Dan over at HAW (Houston Aquarium Warehouse) has about 6 or 7 nice flowerhorns for only $120.00 each.

    The reason I'm posting this, is that he told us that he has had a hard time selling them (most likely due to the fact that he doesn't have a traditional store-front and most of his traffic is Discus related) and was probably not going to order anymore from his overseas importer. Well if that happens, H-town will be at a loss because these are some seriously nice flowerhorns.

    Here's the proof:

    Good pearling, great flower-line, and a nice bulbous kok (that's pronounced "coke" you pervs..).

    We bought one earlier this week and just have to go back to take delivery. They are some of the nicest in town, and as mentioned above, dirt cheap. I just wanted to put the word out there for Dan and for anyone here on the box that might have been looking for a flowerhorn, but hadn't found anything they liked at other stores - or wasn't happy with the prices of those available at those stores.

    I'm pretty sure if people in the market for flowerhorns knew that Dan was carrying some, and saw them, they would have already been gone when we went this week. Hopefully there are some boxers here in the market, or perhaps know someone who is.

    I'd hate to see such a great line of flowerhorns stop being imported to H-town just because we didn't know they were there!

    Last edited by jeebus; 02-10-2009, 11:38 PM.
    Experiencing an aquatic renaissance!

  • #2
    DANG!!!!! thats a clean little fh!
    what kind is he?

    55g - Vieja Synspilum 'Biotope'


    • #3
      Zhen Zou. As for which variant, I don't know.
      Experiencing an aquatic renaissance!


      • #4
        +1 i have seen all of them and they are the **** you have no idea until you look at them. humps even at that small size.
        altums 90 gallon
        fahaka puffer 68
        community 60 cube

        can't find it make it
        can find it make it better


        • #5
          Dang that guy is pretty much perfect!

          Beautiful dome, pearling colors, finnage and everything!
          700g Mini-Monster tank


          • #6
            Originally posted by eklikewhoa View Post
            Dang that guy is pretty much perfect!

            Beautiful dome, pearling colors, finnage and everything!
            I know! Kim and I were in disbelief when we saw them - especially when we saw the price.

            Dan said these are what he would get if he orders again, key word "if". I just hate to see them not available in Houston.
            Experiencing an aquatic renaissance!


            • #7
              yep dan had some awesome fh for killer price!! he had one i loved, it had yellow on it, i wanted it soooo bad... he had a healing wound that should be gone by now... if its still there ima grab it this weekend


              • #8
                wanna come by and check them out!!!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by jisatsuguy View Post
                  yep dan had some awesome fh for killer price!! he had one i loved, it had yellow on it, i wanted it soooo bad... he had a healing wound that should be gone by now... if its still there ima grab it this weekend
                  Ouch... Have I got some bad news for you........... I took him home this morning, wound completely healed. Sorry!

                  Its worth noting though that he's still got 5 or 6 more, including the one I posted a pic of at the top of the thread. None with as much yellow, but ALL have great pearling, strong flowerline, and nice round koks.

                  I hope all you flowerhorn lovers out there pass on the good word, so that these sell and give Dan the opportunity to bring in some more later. I wanted to buy two, and I don't even like flowerhorns!
                  Last edited by jeebus; 02-11-2009, 06:00 PM.
                  Experiencing an aquatic renaissance!


                  • #10
                    man, if i already had my 40g breeder cycled i would totally buy one, they look sweet!
                    FRENCH FRY!!!

                    55g - Vieja Synspilum 'Biotope'


                    • #11
                      dang, you got that bad boy? congrats on a sweet fish... it would be a good idea to keep him alone... theyre mean lil suckers... grab some alife from city pets and watch the colors explode... dan's other ones were nice, i have one thats on par with them that i grew out from fry i got from ohboitony... check my thread in central/south american cichlids...

                      fondren fish and pets has some nice ones, although a lil higher priced... if dan stops ordering them, i will boycott his store after i get my discus from him lol...


                      • #12
                        Yeah, we wanted to wait to make sure that wound healed up, but it's completely gone and you can't tell he had a wound there! I have yet to see one this yellow in person and I love the yellow and red on him! He's currently sharing a 90g (with a divider) with our big guy, a red dragon zz. We're in the process of setting his own tank up and I just might have to pick another one up

                        but no seriously somebody please pick these guys up before I buy them all....


                        • #13
                          Bump For Dan! Before Kim Buys Another One!
                          Last edited by jeebus; 02-11-2009, 10:20 PM.
                          Experiencing an aquatic renaissance!


                          • #14
                            yea kiovo, that yellow was an eye catcher... yellow dragon maybe lol... tell ya what, im growing out some red dragon juvies and some kamfa juvies... stay with me on this, id like to try to breed that yellow one with one of my females... also, if your male is game, my friend has a super sweet red texas female that never "peeled".... pearls all over that fish... who knows... if dan stops selling flowerhorns, ima start supplying them... its cool buying a fish when its already close to maturity because you can see what youre buying... i have fun grabbing a bunch of fry(i have an eye for picking the good ones) , growing them out, and hoping for a winner


                            • #15
                              with as much pearls and the wrapped tail, i'm gonna go out on a whim and call it a king kamfa! lol, i know its not a zz, maybe a gm..who knows, I gotta do more research and see what he resembles the most.

                              raising fry is fun but I don't mind spending more money knowing what I'm getting. will post pics of the new guy soon.

