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  • Building a Canopy for a 125 Gallon Tank

    Building a Canopy for a 125 Gallon Tank

    Well, its 2 AM and I just got pretty much done with the canopy.


    1 4x8 plywood (red oak)
    16 ft. large molding trim
    16 ft small molding trim
    17 ft smal angle modling trim (to make the cabinet doors)
    2 sets of hinges.

    1st: Cut the ply wood into strips to make the front and side of the cabinet:

    P9020006 by HangTheMan, on Flickr

    2nd: Make sure the edges of the strips are 45 degrees to make ...
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  • Horizontal Tank Divider

    Horizontal Tank Divider

    OK, so the entire thing took about 20 minutes to build! Of course, as I suspected, hubby wouldn't let me play with sharp objects. While he was cutting, I removed the filter, gathered some marbles for the sides & then realized I forgot to take pictures of the material before we started. Oops. I didn't remember till he had already cut the mesh, egg crate & had started with the zip ties. Hubby measured & cut the egg crate as close to the inner dimension of the tank as possible. Then he cut the ...
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  • Saltwater Build - Start to Finish (Photolog)

    Saltwater Build - Start to Finish (Photolog)

    Old stand and canopy from my 40 gallon breeder

    Sanding down the tank and canopy for new paint

    Got the tank from craigslist and had to do some deep cleaning

    36" nova extreme 4xt-5 with moon light

    Redoing sump to size needed

    Sump test run

    Painting tank black

    Installing light on the canopy
    Added 2 computer fans, one outake and one intake ...
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  • Wall Hammer (Euphyllia ancora)

    Wall Hammer (Euphyllia ancora)

    Large Polyp Stony (LPS)

    The Hammer Coral is an LPS coral and is often referred to as Hammer or Anchor Coral. Its common names are derived from the appearance of its hammer-, or anchor-shaped tentacles. Its polyps are visible throughout the day and night and hide its skeletal base. Hammers come in many different color variations from colored tips such as purple, blue, gold, or etc. to completely green, orange, and etc. It is moderately difficult to maintain, but with proper water condi
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  • Advanced Nutrient Control Techniques - Saltwater

    Advanced Nutrient Control Techniques - Saltwater

    In a previous article, I covered the definition of nutrients in a reef as well covering basic control techniques. Here I will try to explain advanced techniques to deal with nitrates and phosphates as well as go deeper into setting up a fuge. I will briefly go over dsb and anaerobic bacteria in a different article. Caution should be used with applying these techniques. I recommend having access to at least 25% water volume in case things spiral out of control. Always dose on the low end at...
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  • Understanding Nutrient Control in a Reef

    Understanding Nutrient Control in a Reef

    It has recently been brought to my attention the topic of nutrient control in a reef. I'd like to write up a quick little article on why its important to try to keep these elements low and why it could be detrimental to your reef. I'd like to explain it in a few easy question and answer type examples.

    What are nutrients and where do they come from? Nutrients, for lack of a better word is fertilizer. It composes of nitrate, phosphate, amino acids, and vitamins. It can come from ...
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  • How to know if your API test kits have expired

    Each bottle has a Lot # printed on the bottle. The last four digits are the month and year they were manufactured.

    Last 3 years

    High Range pH

    Last 4 years

    Last 5 years

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  • How to Resize Your Photos

    How to Resize Your Photos

    This only works with locally uploaded pics. If you are linking from another site, like photobucket, this will not resize your pics.

    After you have uploaded your attachment and you see the thumbnail in your post, double-click your image.

    You will see a window pop up. I usually select LEFT and MEDIUM. You can also add a Title and Description if you want, but it isn't required. Leave the Style field blank. ...
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  • Desert Goby (Chlamydogobius eremius)

    Desert Goby (Chlamydogobius eremius)

    Desert Gobies are interesting in shape, color, and personality. These are fun fish for a small aquarium.
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  • Buffalohead cichlid (Steatocranus casuarius)

    Buffalohead cichlid (Steatocranus casuarius)

    Also known as African Blockhead. Both male and female have a pronounced fatty lump on their forehead, with the male's being significantly larger. They are blue-gray in color, and spend most all of their time on the bottom of the tank, much like a Goby.

    Often they mate for life. If one of the pair dies, the surviving buffalo head will not take on a replacement.

    Common Name:
    Buffalohead cichlid

    Scientific Name: Steatocranus casuarius ...
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