Cooperband Butterfly
Moorish Idol
Sebae's Anemonefish
Madder Seaperch
Square Anthias
Red Stripe Goby
Decora Firefish Goby
Fire Fish Goby
Yellow Tail Blenny
Filament Fin Wrasse
Six Line Wrasse
Carpenter's Wrasse
Brown Sailfin Tang
Indian Mimic Tang
Black-Eared Surgeonfish
Black-Eared Surgeonfish
Tomini Bristle Tooth
Black-spot surgeonfish
Orange Tail Blenny
Yellow Clown Goby
Chinese Zebra Goby
Yellowrose Goby&shrimp
Yellow Tail Tamarin
Dragon Wrasse
Emperor Angel (M)
Regal Angel(pacific)
Yellow Anthias
Porcupine Fish
Dog Face Puffer
Purple Banded Shrimp
Tiger Cowry
Red Zebra Satrfish
Cooperband Butterfly
Indian Mimic Tang
Square Anthias
Blue Striped Hermit Crab
Spot Bali Starfish
Red Zebra Satrfish
Turbo Snail
Here are some of the pics of the fish in stock. There all healthy and eating. Sorry the photos are not very good but soon I will have better camera.
Moorish Idol
Sebae's Anemonefish
Madder Seaperch
Square Anthias
Red Stripe Goby
Decora Firefish Goby
Fire Fish Goby
Yellow Tail Blenny
Filament Fin Wrasse
Six Line Wrasse
Carpenter's Wrasse
Brown Sailfin Tang
Indian Mimic Tang
Black-Eared Surgeonfish
Black-Eared Surgeonfish
Tomini Bristle Tooth
Black-spot surgeonfish
Orange Tail Blenny
Yellow Clown Goby
Chinese Zebra Goby
Yellowrose Goby&shrimp
Yellow Tail Tamarin
Dragon Wrasse
Emperor Angel (M)
Regal Angel(pacific)
Yellow Anthias
Porcupine Fish
Dog Face Puffer
Purple Banded Shrimp
Tiger Cowry
Red Zebra Satrfish
Cooperband Butterfly
Indian Mimic Tang
Square Anthias
Blue Striped Hermit Crab
Spot Bali Starfish
Red Zebra Satrfish
Turbo Snail
Here are some of the pics of the fish in stock. There all healthy and eating. Sorry the photos are not very good but soon I will have better camera.