I've been wanting a 210 for some time now. It's amazing how the human psyche works. Now that I have the tank I immediately want bigger.
Did a DIY sump with 40 gallon breeder. I have plastic pot scrubbers and larger lava rock on one side and small lava rock on the other. Have dual micron socks and I used egg crate to make the holder. It's cheaper.

Sump is powered by mag 12 and I have fx5 as well.
Rocks are the green canyon or whatever they are called.

Livestock includes: 27 Macro Green Petros that are 1.5-1.75". 13 mpimbwe yellow cheek and about 8 or 9 Simochromis Diagramma Isanga.
Did a DIY sump with 40 gallon breeder. I have plastic pot scrubbers and larger lava rock on one side and small lava rock on the other. Have dual micron socks and I used egg crate to make the holder. It's cheaper.

Sump is powered by mag 12 and I have fx5 as well.
Rocks are the green canyon or whatever they are called.

Livestock includes: 27 Macro Green Petros that are 1.5-1.75". 13 mpimbwe yellow cheek and about 8 or 9 Simochromis Diagramma Isanga.