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Trophs Vs Petros

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  • #16


    • #17
      Don't forget to tell us why? Is it the troph's whimsical dance? Or the petro's Mick Jagger lips?


      • #18

        petro crazy!!!


        • #19
          crappy pic but i cant get enough of these little guys!
          petro crazy!!!


          • #20
            i figured trophs would probably win.
            petros are not for the faint of heart,and not for everyone!
            petro crazy!!!


            • #21
              Beautiful pics!! THAT'S A LOT OF FRY!!!!!! Congrats!!!!!


              • #22
                thanks peter!!!
                i have fry holding,6 in the tumbler and 3 in growout...not counting the big juvies that i grew out!
                i know you are doing very well also!
                petro crazy!!!


                • #23
                  Oh my. It's getting close. Trophs leading by only one point.
                  PLECOS SUCK!



                  • #24
                    It depends on the fish, I have seen Petros get killed by Trophs and I've seen it where Trophs get killed.

                    If your judge for King is based upon strength, then its Petro's

                    If its based upon popularity, no doubt Tropheus.

                    For me....

                    Its Tropheus...

                    dont tell my Trews or Tri-colors this though... I just look at them like Tropheus having Roid Rage!!
                    380G For Sale $3000 Acrylic tank & stand
                    300G Petrochromis Trewavasae and Tropheus mpimbwe Red Cheek & Duboisi
                    180G For Sale $1,100 Oceanic Cherry with Stand, T5HO Lights, (2) Eheim 2262
                    150G Tropheus Annectens Kekese & Ikola


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by geoff_tropheus View Post
                      dont tell my Trews or Tri-colors this though... I just look at them like Tropheus having Roid Rage!!

                      Those Tri-colors have almost turned around my original opinion on Petros. They're incredibly smart. But I still say Trophs, any day!
                      "Millennium hand and shrimp!"


                      • #26
                        Those Tri-Colors are really smart. Already trained to know to wait for the bigger food. They are on top their game fo'sure...
                        380G For Sale $3000 Acrylic tank & stand
                        300G Petrochromis Trewavasae and Tropheus mpimbwe Red Cheek & Duboisi
                        180G For Sale $1,100 Oceanic Cherry with Stand, T5HO Lights, (2) Eheim 2262
                        150G Tropheus Annectens Kekese & Ikola


                        • #27
                          I like watching petros graze on algae, but I prefer all the different colors of trophs available.

                          I vote for Trophs.
                          150G Tropheus Moorii Ilangi
                          125G Tropheus Moorii Ilangi
                          115G Tanganyikan


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by algarciajr View Post
                            I like watching petros graze on algae, but I prefer all the different colors of trophs available.

                            I vote for Trophs.
                            Petros have a lot of variety, as well, and it's not just color. It just costs an arm and a leg to buy the different species. The facial and body differences among petros make each of them unique. Most trophs simply vary in color. Yes, geoff, I know you have annectens and your dubs are your faves :) But the overall differences are minute compared to Petros (look at your tri-colors compared to any other petro). Also, petros are smarter, more fun to watch in colonies, and are a more rewarding fish to keep due to their difficulty in captivity -- especially the larger, more aggressive species.

                            I love my 4 colonies of tropheus (Al, I saw my first colony at your place), but I'd sacrifice them for my 4 colonies of petros any day of the week!


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by peterp63 View Post
                              Also, petros are smarter, more fun to watch in colonies, and are a more rewarding fish to keep due to their difficulty in captivity -- especially the larger, more aggressive species.
                              I am have been thinking of removing my tropheus nkondes from the 150 gallon they share with 10 petrochromis famulas to see them in action in a tank by themselves. Will try and see if this gets them to start breeding, from what I hear no one has got any fry from this colony which has been owned by 3 or 4 different people.
                              150G Tropheus Moorii Ilangi
                              125G Tropheus Moorii Ilangi
                              115G Tanganyikan


                              • #30

                                What are the facts? Again and again and again--what are the facts? Shun wishful thinking, ignore devine revelation, forget what "the stars foretell", avoid opinion, care not what the neighbors think, never mind the unguessable "verdict of history"--what are the facts, and to how many decimal places? You pilot always into an unknown future; facts are your only clue.

                                Robert Anson Heinlein

