i wanted to get some suggestions on types of corys that are the most hardy. everyone i have ever spoken to says corys are hardy, but for some odd reaosn, i have never had luck with them. i want to try them again, but dont want to spend if they just never make it.
i cant say what my water parameters were in past tanks, but i have not housed cories for at least 4 years. i dont know if it was habitat or water chemistry that caused the bad luck. i always put them with peaceful tankmates. bought them in maybe sets of 4. i usually bought bronze or emerald cories, but they usually were gone in a span on a month and i never lost other fish in the tanks.
i have three tank options right now, and i assume they will be compatible with all the fish in them. pH are approximate and last tested maybe 2 weeks ago, but are always stable. KH for all tanks was in the 4-5 range.
Any suggestions on what tank might be best, things i could improve for cories, or type of cory to try are appreciated.
29 gal: pH 7.6
opaline gourami - 1
gold gourami - 1
beunos aries tetras - 4
black skirt tetras - 5
lamp eye tetras - 4
harlequin rasboras - 2
assassin snails - 2
->its a male and female, have seen mating multiple times but never noticed eggs yet
plastic plants mainly, few live
10 gal: pH ~8.0
dalmation mollies - 4 (one male, three female)
giant danios - 3
zebra nerites - 2
all plastic plants
10 gal: pH ~7.8
planted tank
RCS - started with 10. cant ever see all 10 at a time, but havent seen shrimplets yet
zebra nerites - 3
i cant say what my water parameters were in past tanks, but i have not housed cories for at least 4 years. i dont know if it was habitat or water chemistry that caused the bad luck. i always put them with peaceful tankmates. bought them in maybe sets of 4. i usually bought bronze or emerald cories, but they usually were gone in a span on a month and i never lost other fish in the tanks.
i have three tank options right now, and i assume they will be compatible with all the fish in them. pH are approximate and last tested maybe 2 weeks ago, but are always stable. KH for all tanks was in the 4-5 range.
Any suggestions on what tank might be best, things i could improve for cories, or type of cory to try are appreciated.
29 gal: pH 7.6
opaline gourami - 1
gold gourami - 1
beunos aries tetras - 4
black skirt tetras - 5
lamp eye tetras - 4
harlequin rasboras - 2
assassin snails - 2
->its a male and female, have seen mating multiple times but never noticed eggs yet
plastic plants mainly, few live
10 gal: pH ~8.0
dalmation mollies - 4 (one male, three female)
giant danios - 3
zebra nerites - 2
all plastic plants
10 gal: pH ~7.8
planted tank
RCS - started with 10. cant ever see all 10 at a time, but havent seen shrimplets yet
zebra nerites - 3