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What to feed corys...

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  • What to feed corys...

    So I was at my LFS and asked the sales rep about what to feed corys. After speaking with him for some time I decided on some sinking "bottom dweller" pellets and some small algae wafers. Here's the question I have though. The pellets are about 5 mm long and they seem just too large for the corys. My albino barb will chase the pellet as it sinks and sucks it into his mouth and spit it out and chase it aging and spit it out etc until eventually he gives up and it sinks. I have watched the cory go over to it and he does spend some time on it but it never really seems to be eaten right away... however within an hour or so I can't find it where I knew it landed at the bottom. Could it be thathat it is being eaten? Or is it just sitting there until it dissolves and then just polluting my tank. Just for reference I have two panda corys that are both around an inch to inch and a 1/4 long. Do I need smaller pellets? Any advice here would be appreciated. Also will they eat anything else? Like any veggies or something I can put in there for them?
    Thanks in advance.
    Last edited by Frostbyte; 10-21-2015, 04:13 AM.
    Fish are friends, not food

  • #2
    They love algae wafers. Maybe get 4 more. They prefer to be in a school of 6 or more.
    010G Long fin BN grow-out
    020G Electric blue, Red Fin Borleye FOR SALE
    020G Leulepi grow-out
    020G Leulepi, Julidochromis, chalinochromis, BN breeder
    030G Leulepi breeder
    030G SRD FlowerHorn
    040G Hongi Sweden breeder
    090G Tangs community
    100G Tangs community
    150G Cyphos Moba & Leulepi


    • #3
      I have ~22 cories in my 70g South American tank. They will eat just about anything, mine get whats left over from the others;
      frozen mysis, daphnia, blooworms, nls thera 1mm sinking pellets, ocean nutrition spirulina flakes, and algae wafers.
      They are not picky and I've never target fed them, they don't really need help eating, they find the food if it's their lol.
      ELOS 120 - Retroculus Xinguensis, Geogphagus Neambi
      5g AIO Betta, Pygmy Cories


      • #4
        Pellets are hard dry. It's like putting a 2" jawbreaker in your mouth. your not going to swallow it all. The pellets soften in water. The Cory's will come back to then ones they have soften a little.
        Cory's will eat anything you feed them Wafers, Pellets, or Flakes. They are a great clean up crew. They do like to school.
        Nothing Kills Evil Like a Sharp Stick...


        • #5
          Please be aware Corys are mainly carnivores !!!! Algaewafers they'll eat but hardly have any nutritional value for Corys. Flakes often contain to less protein (often grains aso).
          Meaty pellets, granules, brineshrimp, bloodworms, aso are perfect for these guys !!!


          • #6
            Great advice here everyone! Thank you. I'm going to try some brine shrimp and some blood worms. I also read somewhere that egg yolk is good. Any feedback on that?
            Fish are friends, not food


            • #7
              What to feed corys...

              Egg yolk is an extreme polluter so I wouldn't use that. Try a small part of egg white though. Think they'll love it.
              Last edited by DoubleDutch; 10-23-2015, 02:20 AM.


              • #8
                Originally posted by DoubleDutch View Post
                Egg yolk is an extreme polluter so I wouldn't use that. Try a small part of egg white though. Think they'll love it.
                yeah... I found that out. Oh my gosh, I put a piece of hard boiled egg yolk in there and as soon as a fish "hit" it, debris went EVERYWHERE! Had to do a water change and substrate clean after that one. It was a TINY piece too! I will try the egg white!
                Fish are friends, not food


                • #9
                  Hahaha told you !!!!
                  Egg yolk can be used as fry-food though. But verrrrrry small amounts !!!


                  • #10
                    old thread but they love bits of dry or canned cat food. mine love cantaloupe, banana, steamed sweet potato, smushed green peas, overcooked broccoli, smushed corn,
                    Last edited by ladykemma2; 06-29-2018, 10:20 AM.

