Okay, I got a regulator from Rex Grigg a couple of days ago. Finally got a wrench big enough to fit around the reg. to tighten it. And, well, that's pretty much all I got accomplished. :(
I'm going to run CO2 to 2 tanks, so I also got a manifold (which, lucky for me, was attached before it was shipped to me). Then, 2 Fabco needle valves. I'm pretty sure I got the hose barbs and the plugs correct on the manifold - it has 3 holes. I'm assuming the "hose barbs" are for the two tanks and the "plug" is to plug up the other hole. Again, lucky that's kinda self explanatory.
Then I'm lost. All the explanations I have found so far assume that the reader actually knows the terminology and such. I don't! I love how the instructions I received explain in a lot of detail how to tighten the regulator, and then just say, "Okay, now set up the rest." 8O
So here come the stupid questions. Please, if you can help, be patient with me. :)
1. Okay, in this picture, just to make sure, is the "bottom" of the valve on the right side of the picture?
2. What's the order in which I need to attach the whole thing to the manifold? I guess I need to attach a bit of hosing to the manifold, and then put the needle valve? Then more tubing, then the check valve, then tubing, then diffuser? And do that for each of the 2 tanks?
3. How the heck do I adjust the flow rate with the needle valve?? Is that just if you have a solenoid (which I do not)?
Okay, I think I asked what questions I had. I appreciate any and all help you can give me. Thanks!
I'm going to run CO2 to 2 tanks, so I also got a manifold (which, lucky for me, was attached before it was shipped to me). Then, 2 Fabco needle valves. I'm pretty sure I got the hose barbs and the plugs correct on the manifold - it has 3 holes. I'm assuming the "hose barbs" are for the two tanks and the "plug" is to plug up the other hole. Again, lucky that's kinda self explanatory.
Then I'm lost. All the explanations I have found so far assume that the reader actually knows the terminology and such. I don't! I love how the instructions I received explain in a lot of detail how to tighten the regulator, and then just say, "Okay, now set up the rest." 8O
So here come the stupid questions. Please, if you can help, be patient with me. :)
1. Okay, in this picture, just to make sure, is the "bottom" of the valve on the right side of the picture?
2. What's the order in which I need to attach the whole thing to the manifold? I guess I need to attach a bit of hosing to the manifold, and then put the needle valve? Then more tubing, then the check valve, then tubing, then diffuser? And do that for each of the 2 tanks?
3. How the heck do I adjust the flow rate with the needle valve?? Is that just if you have a solenoid (which I do not)?
Okay, I think I asked what questions I had. I appreciate any and all help you can give me. Thanks!