So I currently own only one fish. He is a 2 1/2 year old VT Betta splenden He was my sister's and this last fall he became mine. We got him from PetSmart so he was never an amazingly beautiful fish. Over the years, he has had many battles with fin rot (no matter what I do), and so he has a really haggard appearance. I always seem to have some problem or another with him. Right now it's depression. He is always hiding in his cave I bought for a few months ago. He used to only go into it at night to sleep, but now spends all of his time in it. I would love to roll back time to when we first got him because with what I know now, he would certainly be a much healthier looking Betta. But I can't.
I had heard that Indian Almond Leaves were supposed to help Bettas prevent disease and heal them. So I decided to order some online from these people: Link. The next day (2/28/09) I got a receipt from them. It read that the leaves (the 10 ounces I bought) would be shipped from South America, and when they were shipped I would get a notification forwarded to me. I waited a few week and got nothing. So on 3/27/09 I sent an email telling them that I had not gotten my leaves yet and wondered what was taking so long. I got a reply the same day.
It was really short and read:
This order is coming from: SURINAM, SOUTH AMERICA on: NEXT WEEK. We will forward it to: LAURA; upon shipment with: USPS, a notification will be forwarded to: LAURA.
Customer Relations
So I thought okay it will be here soon. And every time I saw a package truck go down our street and pass our house I wondered if they would ever come. So fast forward to last night... I got to thinking. It's been about 2 months. Where the hell is my F-ing leaves!! :furious: I sent them an email last night (5/4/09) telling them yet again that I hadn't gotten my leaves! I've been at the computer all day, regularly checking my email, to see if they sent a reply. And I've still gotten nothing! :( I just want "the old man" to feel better.
<frustrated sigh> So my question is where can I get Indian Almond Leaves?? I don't want a ton. I had bought 10 ounces from Tropilab. I've still only got the one Betta in a 5 gallon tank with a Nerite snail. Also I don't want to get ripped off again. I am super busy right now (finals) and would prefer buying online from a reputable seller (no shady people) but I can also make time to leave the house and get some.
Can I buy a small Terminalia catappa tree from somewhere and put in a pot on my porch? Then I could have an endless supply?? I would really appreciate some help. Please and thank you!
Oh and sorry about the length.
I can't seem to write short posts.
I had heard that Indian Almond Leaves were supposed to help Bettas prevent disease and heal them. So I decided to order some online from these people: Link. The next day (2/28/09) I got a receipt from them. It read that the leaves (the 10 ounces I bought) would be shipped from South America, and when they were shipped I would get a notification forwarded to me. I waited a few week and got nothing. So on 3/27/09 I sent an email telling them that I had not gotten my leaves yet and wondered what was taking so long. I got a reply the same day.
It was really short and read:
This order is coming from: SURINAM, SOUTH AMERICA on: NEXT WEEK. We will forward it to: LAURA; upon shipment with: USPS, a notification will be forwarded to: LAURA.
Customer Relations
So I thought okay it will be here soon. And every time I saw a package truck go down our street and pass our house I wondered if they would ever come. So fast forward to last night... I got to thinking. It's been about 2 months. Where the hell is my F-ing leaves!! :furious: I sent them an email last night (5/4/09) telling them yet again that I hadn't gotten my leaves! I've been at the computer all day, regularly checking my email, to see if they sent a reply. And I've still gotten nothing! :( I just want "the old man" to feel better.
<frustrated sigh> So my question is where can I get Indian Almond Leaves?? I don't want a ton. I had bought 10 ounces from Tropilab. I've still only got the one Betta in a 5 gallon tank with a Nerite snail. Also I don't want to get ripped off again. I am super busy right now (finals) and would prefer buying online from a reputable seller (no shady people) but I can also make time to leave the house and get some.
Can I buy a small Terminalia catappa tree from somewhere and put in a pot on my porch? Then I could have an endless supply?? I would really appreciate some help. Please and thank you!
Oh and sorry about the length.
