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don't you hate when this happens?

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  • don't you hate when this happens?

    I took a sweet, sweet nap earlier after I got home. When I woke up, imagine my shock to find one of my rasbora heteromorphas swimming around... in the air! I got up quickly and sat watching it for a moment, completely baffled. Then I jumped up and cupped it in my hand. "You can't do that," I admonished it, and then I tried to put it back in its aquarium. But ZOOM, it went flying back up into the air.

    Then I really woke up. I admit with no shame that I immediately looked in the aquarium and counted my rasboras. Fortunately, they were all behaving and swimming around in the water like proper fish.
    Trogdor was a man. Or maybe he was a dragon man. Or maybe he was just a dragon. But he was still TROGDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR!

    You know, fish are great. I love my fish. But what I really want is a monkey.

  • #2
    Originally posted by OrandaMan View Post
    I took a sweet, sweet nap earlier after I got home. When I woke up, imagine my shock to find one of my rasbora heteromorphas swimming around... in the air! I got up quickly and sat watching it for a moment, completely baffled. Then I jumped up and cupped it in my hand. "You can't do that," I admonished it, and then I tried to put it back in its aquarium. But ZOOM, it went flying back up into the air.

    Then I really woke up. I admit with no shame that I immediately looked in the aquarium and counted my rasboras. Fortunately, they were all behaving and swimming around in the water like proper fish.
    petro crazy!!!


    • #3
      no more junk food before naps man
      ‎Haiku's are easy
      But sometimes they don't make sense


      • #4
        Uh... okay, this is freaky. I just found a dead rasbora in that tank. (Cue Twilight Zone theme.)
        Trogdor was a man. Or maybe he was a dragon man. Or maybe he was just a dragon. But he was still TROGDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR!

        You know, fish are great. I love my fish. But what I really want is a monkey.


        • #5
          i had a dream one time, that i did a heavy water change and forgot to add dechlorinator and they all died. glad to wake up from that one.
          25g - Reef
          3.5g - Surge Tank
          10g - Ichthyophthirius multifilis breeding colony


          • #6
            I recently dreamed that all my tanks had busted with fish and water all over the place. I kept grabbing the fish to put back in the tanks, but they kept getting back out. For some reason, they didn't seem bothered by being out of their tanks (but they weren't flying!).

            • 90g Planted - Journal - New Pics Mar23
            • 75g Planted - Journal (on PT)
            • 29g Planted - Journal
            • 29g Planted
            • 5g Planted RCS


            • #7
              Lets keep them that way DREAMS!! Talk about a nightmare if it really happens.



              • #8
                Funny thing you mentioned this I had a dream last night that all of my discus were about to die of suffocation. When I woke up I ran downstairs in the middle of the night and grabbed a flash light to check on them. They were alive so I went back to bed.
                Resident fish bum
                330G FOWLR
                34G Reef
                330G Discus biotopish (no longer running)
                28G JBJ Reef (no longer running)
                Treasurer, GHAC


                • #9
                  Glad to know I'm not the only one with freaky fish dreams. But the later event still freaks me out. And I hate to lose even a little rasbora.
                  Trogdor was a man. Or maybe he was a dragon man. Or maybe he was just a dragon. But he was still TROGDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR!

                  You know, fish are great. I love my fish. But what I really want is a monkey.

