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Need to sell a tank, but....

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  • Need to sell a tank, but....

    i think i might ask this question before, for those of you that remembered, i got a 150g 6fter (might be a seven fter, need to messure for sure) tank laying around, i was going to turn it into a either puffer tank or for turtles, but as of now i won't have the time to take care a tank of that size, so i'l have to stick with my smaller tanks, so i need to sell the tank, its a 150g oceanic tank, around 5 yrs old, and i am the 3rd owner, the tank was used as a sw tank... i am thinking about selling it for 200firm... is that too high?

  • #2
    If it's in good condition i'd say it will sell for $200. Quicker if it is reef ready since you said it was a SW tank.


    • #3
      tank only, or does it come with a stand? tank only i would say less.
      25g - Reef
      3.5g - Surge Tank
      10g - Ichthyophthirius multifilis breeding colony


      • #4
        Tank only, drilled...


        • #5
          pictures help.
          ADA mini-m planted
          ADA mini-m riparium
          ADA 30-C nano reef
          ADA 90-P community Tanganyikan
          ADA 120-p overflow Full reef in progress
          Eheim 90cm SA biotope
          110g Peacocks


          • #6
            I think that is a very reasonable price if it is in good shape.
            46 gallon bow front
            Grow Out Cichlid tank

            240 gallon long
            Community SA/CA/African Cichlid (we will see how it works out....)


            • #7
              If it's tank only...then I would say about $1.00 per gallon . Keep in mind that the tank still should be in good useable shape for this price .


              • #8
                That's a good price Should be gone pretty quickly


                • #9
                  Originally posted by supadave View Post
                  If it's tank only...then I would say about $1.00 per gallon . Keep in mind that the tank still should be in good useable shape for this price .
                  Not trying to say your tank is not worth anything but Dave is right. I help my best friend out in her pet store and that is what used tanks go for is $1.00 gallon. Now if there is something with it, stand or light or filter this does raise the price. How ever if you are going to sell say on Craigs list or something I would price at the $200.00 to start with so you have room to Neg. with people.
                  "I will not buy another fish, I will not buy another fish....dang where did that come from???" )

