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Keeping Bristlenose Fry Out of a Filter

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  • Keeping Bristlenose Fry Out of a Filter

    Short and sweet: any ideas for keeping bristlenose pl*co fry out of an AquaClear 50 filter? I cleaned the filter during my bi-weekly water change today and found about 40 fry living in there. The only thing I've thought of is cutting a sponge to cover the intake, but I'm afraid that would overwork the motor and/or reduce my flow rate too much.

    On a related note, does anyone want an albino female b/n, or have an albino male they'd be willing to trade. I hate to get rid of her, but I'm afraid my 20 gal can't handle the bio load if they keeping breeding like this. Also, assuming I can keep these fry alive, I may have a few dozen up for grabs in a couple months...
    - 5 spotted cory cats
    - 1 golden gourami
    - 7 neon tetra

    - 1 long-finned zebra danio
    - 3 black bristle nose pl*cos

  • #2
    Put a sponge overtop of the intake.
    Scarecrow : I haven't got a brain... only straw.
    Dorothy : How can you talk if you haven't got a brain?
    Scarecrow: I don't know... But some people without brains do an awful lot of talking... don't they?
    Dorothy: Yes, I guess you're right.


    • #3
      what about cheese cloth or pantyhose. I'll trade trade you for her, all I have though are some extra hob filters
      ‎Haiku's are easy
      But sometimes they don't make sense


      • #4
        Cheescloth and pantyhose will work too.

        BTW, I can trade you too if you want (male for female). You would have to come to me though.
        Scarecrow : I haven't got a brain... only straw.
        Dorothy : How can you talk if you haven't got a brain?
        Scarecrow: I don't know... But some people without brains do an awful lot of talking... don't they?
        Dorothy: Yes, I guess you're right.


        • #5
          i was going to suggest panty hose also you can get them real cheap at walmart under a dollar the come in those plastic things like you get out of a gumball machine good for all kinds of stuff
          beam me up


          • #6
            See, I wouldn't have thought of panty hose. I think I'm gonna go look at the breeder nets and whatnot at Petco tomorrow, see if I can keep the little buggers contained. That way I can get them out later. But if that doesn't work I'll try the pantyhose so they don't get vacuumed again.

            @Steven: I'm cool with just letting you have her, I just need to get rid of her. As long as she has a good home, I'm happy. I'm relatively stranded this weekend (wife has the winivan), but if you want to trek to the West side to get her you're welcome to.

            @Arm: If Steven doesn't take her, I'll get with you after the weekend about trading sometime. I can't do it this weekend (again, lack of minivan).
            - 5 spotted cory cats
            - 1 golden gourami
            - 7 neon tetra

            - 1 long-finned zebra danio
            - 3 black bristle nose pl*cos


            • #7
              I can come get her sunday if that's okay. about how big is she give or take?
              ‎Haiku's are easy
              But sometimes they don't make sense


              • #8
                I'd say she's 2-3 inches.

                I'm usually only home between about 2:30 & 4:30 in the afternoon on Sundays, give or take. If that works for you, let me know and I'll pm you the details.
                - 5 spotted cory cats
                - 1 golden gourami
                - 7 neon tetra

                - 1 long-finned zebra danio
                - 3 black bristle nose pl*cos


                • #9
                  go ahead and pm me, we'll work out the details on sat afternoon
                  ‎Haiku's are easy
                  But sometimes they don't make sense


                  • #10
                    Had to put the fry back in the general population, didn't have anyplace to keep them outside the tank other than a large bowl. I was hoping they'd be okay until tomorrow if I cycled the water every few hours, but that wasn't working so well; I came back from the shower and they were all lined up at the edge of the water, presumably because it was the only place they could breathe. Oops.

                    At least I found a piece of cheese cloth to cover the filter intake with. Hopefully they'll be okay now.
                    - 5 spotted cory cats
                    - 1 golden gourami
                    - 7 neon tetra

                    - 1 long-finned zebra danio
                    - 3 black bristle nose pl*cos

