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Rena xp3 & micro bubbles

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  • Rena xp3 & micro bubbles

    Are rena xp3s known to produce micro bubbles? I ask bc I'm noticing quite a few micro bubbles in the tank. While I'm not used to using a bubbler I don't think they are coming from the air stone. They seem to be coming from the rena's spray bar.
    20g mixed reef

  • #2
    Yes mine do this all the time. Just sake the canister a little while it is running and it will prime all the bubbles out.
    46 gallon bow front
    Grow Out Cichlid tank

    240 gallon long
    Community SA/CA/African Cichlid (we will see how it works out....)


    • #3
      Originally posted by Zebvance View Post
      Yes mine do this all the time. Just sake the canister a little while it is running and it will prime all the bubbles out.
      Never owned one but that sounds like a good conclusion to a problem
      Custom Aquarium Cabinets Justin Henry 281-739-8723


      • #4
        I own a couple of XP3s' and they have been running since 2007 and I have never experienced micro bubbles . I would make sure that the black cap on the top of the intake hose is tight . If this cap is not will allow air into your canister ....therefore producing micro bubbles .


        • #5
          Originally posted by supadave View Post
          I own a couple of XP3s' and they have been running since 2007 and I have never experienced micro bubbles . I would make sure that the black cap on the top of the intake hose is tight . If this cap is not will allow air into your canister ....therefore producing micro bubbles .
          For he has spoken and let all you aquarium rookies listen to his knowledge is bountiful
          Custom Aquarium Cabinets Justin Henry 281-739-8723


          • #6
            + dave !!!!!!


            • #7
              I figured it was just bubbles workin them self out of the system, it was the initial start up. Just wanted to make sure...
              20g mixed reef


              • #8
                Originally posted by nightster View Post
                I figured it was just bubbles workin them self out of the system, it was the initial start up. Just wanted to make sure...
                I only get the bubbles after I have cleaned the filters. Its just air stuck in the system.
                46 gallon bow front
                Grow Out Cichlid tank

                240 gallon long
                Community SA/CA/African Cichlid (we will see how it works out....)

