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City pets and Xtreme fish

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  • City pets and Xtreme fish

    Both are looking good on stock. Went by both today. City pets tanks looked really clean. Both stores seemed to have a lot of good deals going. Probably why I spent 80 bucks on fish. Just a heads up for those. Extreme had red feaste and fresh water flounder. Also had some crazy looking frog eye fish! City pets had alot of nice community, semi, and aggressive fish in stock this time. The ones that took the cake for me and my dad were the Halloween crabs! My dad is seriously wanting one. Bday coming up soon. I may just have to be the goo son an get him one.

  • #2
    thanks for the up date. and if you get one of those crabs post a picture; they sound cool looking
    Hi-fin pepper Cory's, Black Cory's, Long Fin Golden Aneus, Swordtails, some lyretail(RREA's, Red, Albino Koi, Red & Gold Tux), Different types of BN plecos(albino, calico, long fin, blue eyed short & long fin)
    Mystery Snails, Yellow Shrimp, CPDs

    HAS Master Aquatic Gardener awarded 1997
    HAS Master Fish Breeder awarded 1998


    • #3
      nice! the cichlasoma festae and fw flounder have been there, but the festae are $40 ea and the anableps (frog eye fish) were $12 ea. I forgot how much the flounder was.


      • #4
        Do you remember what kind of semi/aggro they have?


        • #5
          Flounder I believe was 39 or 49.

          ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ


          • #6
            Originally posted by mistahoo View Post
            Do you remember what kind of semi/aggro they have?
            City pets?
            ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ


            • #7
              Originally posted by barrettsline View Post
              Flounder I believe was 39 or 49.

              Yeah it was in that range


              • #8
                Originally posted by barrettsline View Post
                City pets?
                either one. any ca/sa semi/aggro in specific?


                • #9
                  I have always thought an Anableps tank would be awesome, just need to justify a large half filled brackish tank lol
                  In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
                  Desiderius Erasmus
                  GHAC President


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by mnemenoi View Post
                    I have always thought an Anableps tank would be awesome, just need to justify a large half filled brackish tank lol
                    There were awesome looking. Honestly can say I've never seen them in a pet store since the early 90's
                    ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ


                    • #11
                      Yeah, they are certainly old school fish. I have always found their right/left 'handed'? gonopodium and female orientation to be one of lifes strange mysteries.
                      In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
                      Desiderius Erasmus
                      GHAC President


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by mistahoo View Post
                        either one. any ca/sa semi/aggro in specific?
                        Well I guess my description of semi and aggressive may be different than most but:

                        Peacock bass
                        Red devils
                        Red Midas
                        Chocolate cichlids( almost had o buy them!)
                        Jack demseys
                        Green terrors
                        Two large green Severums (almost got them)
                        And I want to say they had some of you garbage disposals. Could be wrong

                        City pets-
                        Same list
                        Ton of red Severums

                        Both had barbs, but city pets selection was better.
                        ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ


                        • #13
                          City pets has a ton of knife fish, aros, and gars. Almost picked up two more for my pond.
                          ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ


                          • #14
                            Went by there as well yesterday. If i had a south american tank, i would do some anebleps. I remember when I was a kid looking thru a tropical fish book seeing these and wanting one. I didnt have much luck at either place though since my tank is more of an african oddball tank, and most of these fish being asian or south american. I did finally get my african butterfly though! Got it at Aqua zoo. Good price too, $12!
                            65G African Tank (1 Ropefish, 1 Senegal Bichir, 3 Spotted Climbing Pearch, 2 Black Calvus "Zebra", 1 Featherfin Cat, African Knife, 2 Upside down Cats and an African Butterfly Fish.

                            30G "The Mudhole" 3 African Mudskippers (Periophthalmus barbarus)

                            20G 4 Longfin Zebra Danio, 2 Julii Cory, 2 Bolivian Ram, 1 Stripped Raphael and 3 Glass Cats.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by barrettsline View Post
                              Well I guess my description of semi and aggressive may be different than most but:

                              Peacock bass
                              Red devils
                              Red Midas
                              Chocolate cichlids( almost had o buy them!)
                              Jack demseys
                              Green terrors
                              Two large green Severums (almost got them)
                              And I want to say they had some of you garbage disposals. Could be wrong

                              City pets-
                              Same list
                              Ton of red Severums

                              Both had barbs, but city pets selection was better.
                              List is pretty dead on. I wouldn't consider Firemouths to be semi or aggressive though. I bought my garbage disposal from extreme, but most of the ones they have there are the Bleekeri not Polleni and of the two, I like Polleni a lot more. Thanks for the list! I may get the Red devil, midas, and GT but I'm still looking around

