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Thoughts on tank setups....

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  • Thoughts on tank setups....

    I wanted to get some thoughts on what I plan to do with my two 150 gallon tanks.  Let me know if this sounds like I'm on the right track, or if you'd suggest something different...

    Tank 1:  Was supposed to be my first shot at growing live plants.  There is fertilizer mixed in with the gravel, and I set up rocks and driftwood, then added fake plants until I bought reall ones.  Then I ended up getting a bunch of convicts and a couple of other cichlids in there, so I now have caves dug out and floating fake plants.  I also ended up having to put my black pacu (about 12") my red belly pacu (about 18") and a royal clown knife (about 10") in there, since the 2nd tank is empty.

    Tank 2:  Used to house my big fish, but it's been empty for a couple of months.  

    I just finished taking the gravel out of the 2nd tank, and instead I lined the tank with black river rocks.  I plan to catch all the cichlids (just picturing how must easier this is to say than to do!) and move them to the 2nd tank.  I have a ton of those fake mangrove root looking white plastic decorations, so I'll make some sort of arrangement with those for the meantime (until I can get more rocks/driftwood/holey rock to make something that actually looks good).  

    Apparently the algae eater must have been eaten in the 1st tank, because not only is it MIA, but there is more algae in that tank than I've ever seen.  I plan to straignten up a bit (level out the gravel again, etc) and get some low light plants to (hopefully) start growing.  I like a lot of the plecos and cat fish, so I'm assuming leaving the algae will give them something to keep them busy eating for a while (?)  

    As for the pacus, I'll probably put them back outside in my pond when it warms up again, so I think I'll leave them in the 1st tank for now.  I'm not sure what to do about the royal clown knife fish though.  Ideally, I want the planted tank to have lots of smaller schooling fish, various catfish, maybe some cool looking plecos, and (if this seems like it might work) some crawfish and shrimp or crabs.

    So... since it's been a while since I've had anything but bigger fish, do you guys have any suggestions as to what fish or plants I should look to stock the 1st tank with?  (sorry that this is sort of a re-cap on my intro post in the newb section)

  • #2
    Re: Thoughts on tank setups....

    grats on the recent joining first of all. nothing better than a new year .

    as for the tank, i would go with african cichlids. they dont get near as big as most of the SA ones and since you have a big tank, you have a lot of options as to what to put in. lake tanganyikans would be my choice. for the 150 you could set up quite a few species of them.


    • #3
      Re: Thoughts on tank setups....

      i would put Red Severums in with a few gold ones. along with the plants and driftwood.
      250gallon-Wild Angels, community


      • #4
        Re: Thoughts on tank setups....

        my 2 cents for the planted tank........ NO crawfish , they will eat your fish . no crabs, i've heard they will clip your stem plants and you will come back to find all of them floating. Shrimps are good and encouraged as long as you dont have anything too big that will eat them.

        FISH: cory's,  tetras, rainbow fish all look nice  and there are different varieties to fit your taste. maybe some blue ram cichlids they stay small and i've never had any problem with them digging . discus, a 150g planted discus tank would look awesome if done right. just to name a few.

        TANK: i would do a combination of stones and driftwood with moss a good ground covering plant maybe dwarf sagitarious (sp?) or dwarf baby tears. some midground plants maybe anubius or any of the various sword plants or crptocryne. and some tall background plants like egeria densa, hygrophilia difformis, cabomba or whatever you like.

        start looking around online at all the planted tanks, to see which type of stones you want to use or different plants you would like to have and to get ideas about layout design  which very dependant on the types of plants you want use.
        25g - Reef
        3.5g - Surge Tank
        10g - Ichthyophthirius multifilis breeding colony


        • #5
          Re: Thoughts on tank setups....

          Plants and cichlids are usually not mentioned in the same sentence. Sturdy plants tied to driftwood or stones like the various species of Anubias. These plants have a variety of leaf shapes and sizes. They grow slowly but wear like iron. They don't like a lot of light. It causes algae for grow on the leaves. Since I raise itty, bitty things the new nana petite is really cool for nanotanks.

          Fish - one mans pride another's poison - I gave up on cichlids a long time ago. Bamboo is another 'wood' that looks good in aquariums. I saw a couple of tanks in Florida that used the root cluster of mangrove driftwood to outstanding advantage in a river tank filled with natives. Bottom was large, polished riverstones and the roots hide the filters and heaters. Intakes and returns were made at opposite ends of the tank to simulate a flowing river. A real DIY nightmare of plumbing and overflow boxes.

          Good luck and show us some pics when you finish.

          No good fish goes anywhere without a porpoise” Lewis Caroll


          • #6
            Re: Thoughts on tank setups....

            Welcome! How exciting- setting up two 150's :)  

            I would recommend a few species of cichlids, too.  Be sure to do a little research and get the plants and ground cover picked out before you add too many other fish.  Cichlids are a bit picky when it comes to the types of plants they can be around without eating or tearing up, but I personally think tanks look more natural and pleasing to the eye when there's a few live plants....

            And also keep in mind you don't always have to follow the "rules".  There are always exeptions, and if you find a plant you just LOVE, try it out.  Maybe the fish will be fine with it and everyone is happy!

            Have fun and keep us posted :)

            P.S. I would avoid using fertilizer again- try using Flora Base or Aqua Soil, both available at Fish Gallery or your LFS (local fish store).  They are specially designed to feed your plants, and don't have a bunch of chemicals that can hurt your fishy friends....


            • #7
              Re: Thoughts on tank setups....

              I'm sure these are kind of unrealistic for someone's first shot at live plants, but these are some tanks I like, and are along the lines of what I'd like for mine:

              I'm torn on what to do in the other tank, because honestly I'm not that into the convict cichlids, and I think they're pretty boring  I like the more colorful cichlids, but I really don't have that much money to put into buying that many right now.  I liked in the past when I just had a few larger fish, so I'm debating if I should just go back to that.  Anyway, I'll at least try to get all the fish moved over and out of the 'to be planted' tank today... that should be enough to keep me busy and out of trouble for a while  :wink:


              • #8
                Re: Thoughts on tank setups....

                If you'ld like to try a few Red Devils, let me know.   I'm running out of room so some of them need to find a new home.
                The crew is 3 - 4" now and growing fast.   They eat floating pelets because I can't grow guppies & platties fast enough.  
                I also have some jewel chiclids but they won't get much bigger than 5".
                'Dear Lord,' the minister began, with arms extended toward heaven and a rapturous look on his upturned face. 'Without you, we are but dust ...'
                He would have continued but at that moment my very obedient daughter who was listening leaned over to me and asked quite audibly in her shrill little four-year old girl voice, 'Mom, what is butt dust?'


                • #9
                  Re: Thoughts on tank setups....

                  your going to need some very nice lighting....and co2 for tanks such as these....i'm afraid.....
                  but i suggest you join NASH.....they are foremost in teaching how to when it comes to planted tanks i must say.....


                  • #10
                    Re: Thoughts on tank setups....

                    I like the idea of one planted and one cichlid tank. Keep in mind that next winter, you are going to have to put those "sea monsters" back indoors. Unless you are okay with getting another tank next winter (which is always an option  8) ), I'd keep the fish load in the 150 cichlid tank pretty light and aquascape it with plants/ rocks/ driftwood/ etc that you can remove in the winter when you need to re-home the pacus and clown knife.
                    Scarecrow : I haven't got a brain... only straw.
                    Dorothy : How can you talk if you haven't got a brain?
                    Scarecrow: I don't know... But some people without brains do an awful lot of talking... don't they?
                    Dorothy: Yes, I guess you're right.


                    • #11
                      Re: Thoughts on tank setups....

                      Since you are close by you should go by Chuck Couplands store and look at his tanks. I think there are some pics on here or youtube. Tell him Jack told you to come take a look his shop is on 5th street in LP-coupland signs---not a "planted" tank but has plants growing up outa water into upper area where lizard/frogs live in the jungle......pretty cool and he is a real good guy.


                      • #12
                        Re: Thoughts on tank setups....

                        He has some awesome looking artwork there too !!!  Cope's place is really nice !

                        What fish do Jesper have
                        180 WC T. Moorii Chilambo +1 Petro trewavasae.
                        Cyps, WC Xeno Spilopterus Kipili WC/F1/F2 T. sp red Kiku
                        58 S. Decorus

                        "The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money." -Margaret Thatcher


                        • #13
                          Re: Thoughts on tank setups....

                          Chucks imagination is.....way out there! Painted my motorcycle with flames and it is Bad! There was a producer looking into doing one of those reality shows where they folow his work in progress.

