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Banggai Cardinalfish Bonded Pairs

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  • For Sale: Banggai Cardinalfish Bonded Pairs


    Hi everyone,

    I recently had the pleasure of trying to raise some Banggai cardinalfish fry. I currently have 12 2-month-old fry which I am ready to pair up and sell. (This will be another little experiment).

    The little fellas are now about the size of a quarter. While they're bigger than many clownfish that people add to their aquariums, I would still recommend giving them another week or two to beef up before putting them into any larger (75g+) aquariums, especially if there are agressive tankmates. They are fully weaned onto frozen foods - I feed them a mixture of Hikari mysis and Nutrimar Ova. They are eating both foods.

    LiveAquaria sells bonded pairs of this fish (Pterapogon kauderni) for 79.99$ plus shipping ($30-$40?) and I need to make back some of the money I sunk into the silly project. So, the PRICE will be $60 PER BONDED PAIR. I think this is a good deal, and it's not really up for negotiation unless you have some 400w SE 20k Radium bulbs.

    It is difficult to pair them up, since they aren't really di-chromatic or di-morphic. (The males and females pretty much look the same, especially as young fish). This week I will be pairing them and prepping them for sale. PM me to reserve your slot. I'll take a $10 deposit via paypal which will be fully refundable if for some reason I can't manage to get you a true bonded pair. The remaining $50 will be due upon pick-up. I live just north of the Galleria, near the intersection of 610, I-10, and Memorial.

    I would recommend keeping them in pairs, since I've read that this particular species of cardinalfish doesn't do well in groups. It's a little risky but if you have a very large aquarium (7+ feet) you might get away with 2 pairs, but there will be some aggression between the pairs.


  • #2
    OK, there are now 4 pairs of fish reserved (8 out of 12 fish). If anyone is interested in getting in line for one of the last pairs (possibly the last one), PM me.



    • #3
      All now pending. Wow those went fast. They are cool fish. I will have 2 fish leftover; not sure if they'll be a pair or no.

