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Nice Texas holey rock/african cichlids for sale

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  • Nice Texas holey rock/african cichlids for sale

    I am about to break down my 37 gal african tank, so I've got some nice holey rock to sell.  There is 1 very nice showpiece.....its about 18-20 inches long and about 12-15 inches tall and about 4 inches deep.  this piece is great because it has both large and small holes for the fish to go through (this helps the larger cichlids out).   There is also a smaller but still pretty large piece that is more of a rounded shape.   I just bought both of these pieces for over $60 at ultimate fish about 3 months ago.  Since then, I have decided to convert the tank into a nursery for my mating severums.  Would like to sell both for $30 pick up or $40 delivery in the houston area.  Also, I would be willing to sell my p. demasoni, p. socolofi, orange zebra top?, and male convict.  They are all almost fully grown.   They are in the picture that I am attaching, but they have grown quite a bit since that pic was taken.    If no one wants to buy any of these fish, I will be taking them in for credit at the LFS.  There I would get probably $7 a fish except for maybe the convict.  Fish would be $20 extra for all 4.  I live NW houston 249/1960 area.

    The large rock is actually larger than what I could circle, its sitting in the gravel a little.

    If anyone has a 20 gal long tank they are wanting to get rid of, I'm looking to buy only.   Trade is possible.

  • #2
    Re: Nice Texas holey rock/african cichlids for sale

    I'll take the rock if you still have it.  can you send me an e-mail at tre.banks (at)  I'll be up there tomorrow afternoon and Thurs after lunch....


    • #3
      Re: Nice Texas holey rock/african cichlids for sale

      next in line for the rocks if "banks" decides otherwise.

      im here are 249 and ella so your just down the street from me.
      700g Mini-Monster tank


      • #4
        Re: Nice Texas holey rock/african cichlids for sale

        I am interested in the fish.
        Live Fast, Die Young, Leave A Good Looking Corpse!

        Been in hobby since March 2006


        • #5
          Re: Nice Texas holey rock/african cichlids for sale

          I will post a pic of the fish soon.  I will email you also to make sure you are still interested.  What you to see them first though.   Beautiful in my opinion.  I've had the socolofi (blue with blackstriped tail)  since he was about 1 inch long....been about 2 years....maybe longer.   Orange, demasoni, and convict i've had about 1 year or maybe longer.  I know convicts are generic....but my convict was raised from my friends mated pair.....then all of them died from a ick outbreak and mine is now the only one left.  The only reason he is even in my african tank is because he was a baby and  was in a breeder box during hurricane rita........he freaked out and jumped out of the box into the tank.   (another one jumped the wrong way onto the floor).   Anyway...he held is own in the african he stayed.   I never intended to put him in there though.   He puffs up to the demasoni even  and those are supposedly the meanest. Okay, enough stories.....pic coming next post.


          • #6
            Re: Nice Texas holey rock/african cichlids for sale

            Here are the 4 fish.


            • #7
              Re: Nice Texas holey rock/african cichlids for sale

              Thanks Keri. I have uploaded new pics.
              Live Fast, Die Young, Leave A Good Looking Corpse!

              Been in hobby since March 2006


              • #8
                new fish

                They look awesome!  Much more room for them to move around.  Looks real nice.


                • #9
                  Re: Nice Texas holey rock/african cichlids for sale

                  if you still have both the fish and the rock i'll take them of your hands..............lmk

                  you can email me @


                  • #10
                    Re: Nice Texas holey rock/african cichlids for sale


